Top 12 Daily Detox Habits for a Healthier You

This year, you can truly make detox a part of your everyday lifestyle! In fact, you can use both the 21-Day Detox and Cleanse to first form daily habits, and then move forward with the habits every day of the year.

Here’s how to start, and 12 daily detox habits you’ll want to maintain each day of the new year.

First, Set 3-4 Aside 21 Days to Detox and Fast

  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 scoop Fermented Greens Powder
  • 1 tablespoon Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder


  • Bring a pot or kettle of water to boil.
  • Using a large grater, shave the fresh ginger into a tea mug.
  • Add the lemon wedge.
  • Pour boiling water into the mug and allow to steep for 5 minutes.
  • Stir in greens and collagen. Enjoy!
  • To make an entire pot, use 2 tablespoons of ginger, 1 small lemon sliced into quarters, 6 cups boiling water, 6 scoops fermented greens, and 6 tablespoons collagen in total.

Nutrition info per entire recipe: 25 calories, 0 grams fat, 4 grams carbohydrates, 2 grams fiber, 2 grams protein

Top 12 Daily Detox Habits for a Healthier You

There are 5 ingredients in this tea, and each one supports skin health. Here’s how:

1. Daily Intermittent Fasting

Each day, consider fasting from all foods and most drinks for 16 hours of the 24. This means finishing eating for the day around 7 pm, and then abstaining from food until about 11 am.


Intermittent fasting has been shown to support reduced inflammation, healthy weights, healthy cardiovascular function, and normalized blood sguars. It also gives your digestive tract a break, and omits the consumption of foods that add to the toxic load in your body and oxidative stress during fasting hours.

Of note, you can still enjoy the benefits of intermittent fasting even if you consume no-carb drinks such as water, tea, and coffee.

2. Cold Awakening

Detox is not always about what you put in your mouth, but also how your environment affects your body. A cold shower blast promotes body detoxification by supporting immune health and invigorating the senses from the beginning of the day.


Frigid cold water, even for just seconds at a time, is linked to healthy immune function. One study from the Netherlands found that 30 seconds of cold showers significantly reduced sick days in workers, up to 29% in the study. It’s believed that cold-water-stress induces the production of catecholamines, which may play a critical role in supporting the immune system.

The cold water is also great for skin health (which supports detox), and a wake-up call to the senses!

3. Lemon Spring Water and Green Tea Throughout the Day

Drinking lemon spring water throughout the day is great for body detox. First, your body depends on water for all its functions, including energy production. Without adequate amounts, you may suffer headaches, fatigue, and sluggishness when dehydrated.

Next, spring water is necessary for healthy skin, detoxification, and healthy aging.

When you add green tea leaves or green tea through a fermented green powder, you add a whole bunch more detoxifying nutrition to your water. Green tea contains highly concentrated antioxidants that fight free radicals and inflammation. It’s energizing and contains a modest amount of caffeine. In addition, it contains a compound called L-theanine. L-theanine promotes steady energy.

In studies, green tea has been shown to boost physical performance, increase the breakdown of fat for energy, and release norepinephrine for a stress-free mood.

4. Daily Organic Greens including Chlorophyll

Fresh and fermented powdered greens are a cornerstone of detox. Make them a daily detox habit this year!

The easiest way to incorporate them daily is to utilize a fermented green powder, like Divine Health Fermented Green Supremefood® each day, and then fill your plate with organic greens and vegetables at dinner.

5. Choose Detoxifying Oils

When adding healthy fats to your diet via dressings or cooking oils, it’s vital to choose detoxifying ones. The best oils for daily detox habits include extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and organic coconut oil.

These oils contains healthy fats that support heart health, detox, and reduced inflammation. What’s more, having these 3 oils on hand provides the right ones for dressings, high heat cooking, and flavoring.

On the other hand, avoid soybean oil, which is found in the majority of processed foods, like the plague. 

6. Wash and Eat Organic High Antioxidant Produce

In addition to greens, add vibrantly colored low-sugar fruits each day! These include berries, apples, citrus fruits, peaches, and more. Their coloring exhibits their nutrients. The more vibrant, typically the more antioxidants and phytochemicals they contain.

But buyer beware. You will drastically cut down your pesticide and toxin intake if you buy as much organic produce as possible. If you’re not able to buy all organic, make sure to buy non-peeled organic fruits and vegetables in which you consume the entire piece. The produce with the highest levels of pesticides include grapes, lettuce, apples, pears, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, peaches, strawberries, or cherries.

One great low-carb way to include organic fruits is through Divine Health Red Supremefood®.

Additionally, be diligent about washing your produce. The pesticides used on crops, specifically conventionally grown ones, have been linked to many issues including abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Amazingly, the average American is exposed to 10-13 different pesticides through the food and drink they consume each day. The majority of these are endocrine-disrupting, which may lead to weight gain. Endocrine-disrupting compounds mimic estrogen, which can disrupt hormone balance and even reduce our ability to lose fat and build lean muscle.

7. Smoothie Meals

When it comes to health, healthy weights, and detox, few meals deliver as much power as smoothies! In fact, liquid meals can be great for concentrating detox nutrients, fasting from foods and ingredients that add toxins, and for achieving a healthy weight.

First, it’s easy to add organic fruit and vegetable powders like Divine Health Fermented Green Supremefood® and Divine Health Red Supremefood® to a smoothie. You can also add fresh fruits & vegetables. In addition, make sure to get a healthy fiber source like Divine Health Fiber Zone. By using non-dairy milk, it’s easy to omit meats, dairy, and extra sugars.

But, did you know that healthy smoothies are actually linked to achieving a healthy weight? High-energy smoothies can trick your body into feeling more full and energized because they reduce the energy demands of digestion while filling your belly with volume.

8. Get Your Sweat On

Few activities detox the body as well as a good sweat, so make it one of your daily detox habits this year! You can get your body sweating through a vigorous exercise session or steam room; or both!

Exercise is great for the immune system because it modulates antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body. This supports neuroprotective action, increases the circulation of anti-inflammatory markers, and improves antioxidant defenses (7). It can also normalize blood glucose, which supports immune function, healthy weight, and whole-body health. High blood sugars are linked to worsened infections.

Sweating via a sauna or hot yoga class is also great. Sweat can help eliminate harmful compounds that build up in the body. After a good sweat, make sure to rehydrate with more lemon spring water!

9. Fiber at Every Meal

Fiber is crucial for health, and the right fibers support detox, digestive health, immune function, and energy.

You can consume fibers in fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and legumes. In addition, add a fiber powder that contains inulin and psyllium husk, such as Divine Health Fiber Zone. It directly supports digestive health and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut (1, 2). It’s easy to add this powder to your daily smoothie!

10. Milk Thistle

A daily dose of milk thistle is one of the most potent daily detox habits that support your liver. As one of the primary organs that deals with harmful compounds in toxinns in the body, your liver needs all the hep it can get.

Milk thistle specifically promotes healthy liver function after a liver is injured by acetaminophen, carbon tetrachloride, radiation, iron overload, phenylhydrazine, alcohol, cold ischaemia, and Amanita phalloides. (9). What’s more, it can provide protection to the liver against toxins (6, 7), and support liver function in those with inflamed and/or damaged livers (10).

In addition, milk thistle may help protect neurons and support healthy brain function while aging (11, 12), stimulate bone mineralization (13, 14), decrease skin inflammation and blemishes (15), promote insulin sensitivity (16), and more.

You can get a daily dose of milk thistle in Divine Health Fermented Green Supremefood®

11. Good Sleep

Your brain desperately needs good quality sleep every night. In fact, deep sleep is one of the only times your brain can detoxify and allow the lymph system to clean it. When this does not occur, the brain can malfunction. Good sleep is associated with:

  • Reduced daily cortisol
  • Healthy immune function
  • Better melatonin levels
  • Less depressed moods
  • Less inflammatory reactions
  • Healthy body weight
  • Healthy heart function
  • It’s vital for health and detox.

12. Avoid the Most Potent Sources of Toxins

While it’s impossible to avoid all toxins, you can do your best to avoid cigarette smoke, alcohol, high levels of pesticides, extreme air pollution, a high-sugar diet, soybean oil, inflammatory immune-harming foods, sodas, deep fried foods, partially hydrogenated oils, fast foods, and more.

There’s simply no place in your daily detox habits for these foods and environments.

Sample Day with Top 10 Daily Detox Habits

Wake up and take a cold shower, or a shower with 3-5 30-second cold water intervals.

Drink Lemon Spring Water, Green Tea, and/or a small amount of coffee throughout the morning. Fast until late morning.

Try a mid-day green smoothie with Divine Health Fermented Green Supremefood®, Divine Health Red Supremefood®, Divine Health Fiber Zone, hemp heart seeds, healthy fats from an avocado or organic coconut oil, non-dairy milk, fresh greens, and cranberries or other berries.

If needed, add a mid-afternoon snack of and cauliflower.

Make sure to get outside and be active each day. Work up a sweat, or consider a sauna treatment if available.

Eat a dinner rich in vegetables (such as fresh vegetable salad, a puree soup, etc) and a sweet potato. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar.

Decaf green tea and berries are fine after dinner.

Bottom Line

A healthy lifestyle is all about forming healthy daily detox habits, one by one. Start with Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox and Cleanse. Then, continue to incorporate all 12 of these daily habits (and more if you’d like) into each day throughout the year!