Did you know that many detox foods can also energize and lift your mood? Our bodies rely on a vast network of chemical pathways and reactions, and these reactions use the nutrients we give it for mood and energy. You can choose foods that drag you down. Or, you can fill your plate and body with detoxifying, mood-lifting, energizing foods.

It’s not difficult to understand how food can be energizing. After all, foods and drinks contain calories (unit of energy), and nutrients like vitamins and minerals required to produce energy.

But, moods? How can foods be uplifting?

The Food-Serotonin Connection

Are you familiar with Serotonin? It’s the chemical messenger that acts as a mood stabilizer. In fact, serotonin levels are linked to mood, behavior, outlook, and even longevity.Of course, you’d probably like a bit more of this mood-enhancing chemical.

Luckily, your daily habits, foods, drinks, and lifestyle play a part in its levels. How? Serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, and tryptophan is contained in specific foods. When tryptophan is low in the diet, brain serotonin can drop. In fact, depletion of tryptophan is linked to depressed and anxious moods.

And some foods contain serotonin itself.

In order to energize your body and move forward with a positive outlook, start with a healthy detox diet of uplifting, energizing foods today!

8 Uplifting, Energizing Foods and Drinks

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great place to start. After all, they can be part of a satisfying breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. They are a great energizing food as well, with nourishing fiber and complex carbohydrates.

What’s more, they contain 564% of the RDI for Vitamin A. This fat-soluble vitamin is a potent antioxidant in the body that works to keep cells healthy and able to convert energy efficiently. The body’s slow digestion of sweet potatoes guarantees steady energy for hours.


Millions of people around the world rely on coffee for its morning pick-me-up. It’s the quintessential energizing food or drink. But exactly how is it energizing?

Coffee’s caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier to inhibit adenosine in the brain. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that quiets the central nervous system. Then, without adenosine in the way, epinephrine increases. Epinephrine stimulates the body and brain.

These effects are enough to increase physical performance and brain alertness. What’s more, coffee contains antioxidants and phytochemicals to support cellular and whole-body health.


Chlorophyll is the lifeblood of plants. When consumed by humans, it’s one of the best energizing foods. Similar to hemoglobin, chlorophyll carries nutrients in the blood. However, it doesn’t carry iron. It carries another energizing mineral, magnesium. Magnesium supports the production of energy throughout the body as well as healthy sleep cycles.

Furthermore, chlorophyll helps alkalize the body and urine pH. This supports liver function and helps the body remove toxins like metals, pesticides, and more.

Chlorophyll is found in most raw, live greens. These are great energizing foods! Or, for an incredibly convenient potent form, try a fermented green powder such as Divine Health Fermented Green Supremefood®. If you join Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox and Cleanse, you’ll be introduced to the amazing fermented green powder further.

Spring Water

Of course, your body depends on water for all its functions, including energy production. Without adequate amounts, you may suffer headaches, fatigue, and sluggishness when dehydrated.

In addition, water supports healthy skin, detoxification, and healthy aging.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate with a high cacao content(>80% cacao) is a wonderful, high-antioxidant food. And, small amounts can be energizing!


Cacao’s antioxidants support blood flow, the delivery of oxygen to the brain and muscles, and mental alertness and focus.

In addition, cacao is a known mood enhancer. It contains theobomine, caffeine, and serotonin.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on earth. It contains highly concentrated antioxidants that fight free radicals and inflammation.

Green tea is also an energizing drink! It contains a modest amount of caffeine. More importantly, it contains a compound called L-theanine. L-theanine promotes steady energy.

In addition, green tea has been shown to boost physical performance, increase the breakdown of fat for energy, and release norepinephrine.


Beets are vibrant and nutritious. They contain amazingly energizing compounds, called betanins. Betanins are responsible for beet’s many health benefits in the human body, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. What’s more, beets also support the production and work of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant our cells make to fight damaging substances.

In addition, beets promote vasodilation. This makes them one of the great energizing foods! Beets contain natural nitrates that are converted to nitric oxides in the body. Nitric oxides dilate blood vessels, allowing more oxygen to circulate more efficiently. Nitric oxide may also increase muscle tissues’ ability to use oxygen. 

One of the best ways to get the power of beets is through a fruit and vegetable powder like Divine Health Red Supremefood®. Or, like the fermented green powder, you can learn all about Red Supremefoods® by joining Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox and Cleanse.


Believe it or not, your digestive tract health is one key to energizing your body. In fact, specific fibers, called inulin and psyllium husk, directly support digestive health and energy. They both stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, improve digestion, and support immune health.

When digestion is working right, your body can absorb and use all the energizing foods and nutrients you give it!

For a great source of inulin and psyllium husk, try a high-quality fiber powder such as Divine Health Fiber Zone. Or, join Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox and Cleanse and learn how fiber supports whole-body detox.

More Energizers and Mood Lifters

•Exercise. Exercise, especially outdoors, is a great mood lifter and energizer!

•Sunshine. Natural sunlight is one of nature’s best mood lifters and energizers. In fact, sunlight has been shown to decreased depressed moods and increase serotonin levels.

•Cold Shower. Even though it may be frigid outside, an icy blast in the shower is still a good idea! Why? It invigorates the body and immune system.

Bottom Line

Let’s make this year of Health, Energy, and Revitalization! Start with Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox and Cleanse and consume detoxifying, mood-lifting, energizing foods every day!